On the initiative of Prof. Dr. Ivan Tchalakov (head of the “Jean Monnet” Centre of Excellence at
Plovdiv University), on 16.05.23. (Tuesday), from 4:00 p.m., in Auditorium 6 (Rectorate of
“Paisii Hilendarski” University of Plovdiv), a public lecture was held on the topic “Difficulties
and challenges facing the Bulgarian entrepreneur”, with guest speaker Mr. Plamen Bobokov –
co-founder of Prista Oil Group, chairman of the Board of Directors of Prista Oil Holding EAD
and member of the Board of Directors of Monbat AD. Plamen Bobokov is also a co-founder of
the “Bobokovi Brothers” Foundation (with the object of activity research and preservation of
cultural and historical heritage).
The event was opened by Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Svetoslav Slavov (Department of “Applied and
Institutional Sociology”, Plovdiv University), and in his lecture, Mr. Bobokov emphasized the
topics related to the main qualities that an entrepreneur should possess, the attitude towards
innovation and technological development, as well as and the state of the entrepreneurial
environment in Bulgaria.
Based on his experience, Mr. Plamen Bobokov gave valuable advice to those present at the
public lecture. Here are some of them:
“One of my pieces of advice to you: As aspiring entrepreneurs, never do what everyone else is
doing. Do the opposite if you want to be successful.”

“From my personal experience, I have noticed two things: on the one hand, it is very good to be
persistent and consistent in your actions, on the other hand, if you see that something is not
happening in a certain period of time, you need to find the fine balance and understand when you
have to stop.”
The lecture ended with a discussion in which the attendees had the opportunity to ask their
questions to Mr. Plamen Bobokov.
The full recording of the public lecture and its accompanying discussion can be viewed on the
Jean Monnet Center of Excellence YouTube channel, as well as here: